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Streamlining Pilot Readiness
on the Joint Strike Fighter Programme

The Brief

When a pilot takes to the sky it is important and safety critical that their flight equipment is a perfect fit. A loose fitting G-Suit or an ill-fitting oxygen mask is likely to impact on the pilot’s ability to fly their aircraft.

Matching the vital statistics of the pilot to the appropriate size of garment is the job of an expert, and with so many garments in the pilot’s ensemble it can take a while to get the right sizes identified and on order.

In order to streamline the process, the mapping of each measurement range to a given size can be stored in software. Each measurement taken on the pilot then gets to ‘vote’ on which size of which garment it would prefer. In this virtual democracy the size with the most votes wins and is most likely to fit perfectly.

The Solution

In order to streamline the process, the mapping of each measurement range to a given size can be stored in software. Each measurement taken on the pilot then gets to ‘vote’ on which size of which garment it would prefer. In this virtual democracy the size with the most votes wins and is most likely to fit perfectly.

Reducing the number of sizes which the pilot needs to try on results in greater throughput at the Pilot Fit Facility. Once the correct sizes are chosen the software is integrated directly into the order management system so that an order can be placed instantly for the correct size of each garment.

Managing the entire process of garment sizing and order processing within the one application means that dashboards can be created showing timings and order status in real-time, keeping everyone in the loop and ensuring that potential concerns are closed off at the earliest opportunity.

You can’t replace the experts, but you can help them by semi-automating the process and giving them visibility of all the key performance indicators while they concentrate on their work.

Future Proof

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Community Matters Yorkshire have worked with Wildfire to customise a monitoring application allowing our organisation to monitor the outcome of a wide range of services to meet our funders needs. A key part of this work was to create a more bespoke KPI monitoring tool which has saved the organisation significant amounts of staff resource.

John Wilson
Project Manager
Community Matters Yorkshire

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+44 (0)1925 387 050

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